2 Scriptures
- “I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.” – Malachi 3:6
- “To all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.” – John 1:12
5 Lessons
I. Being a child of God is a privilege, not a right.
Jacob was not the firstborn by tradition, he shouldn’t have inherited the blessing. Yet, God chose him. The same is true for believers. We aren’t God’s children by default, we become His through faith in Jesus Christ.
II. God reveals Himself to His children.
Jacob didn’t just believe in God, he encountered Him. He saw the ladder to heaven, wrestled with God, and refused to let go until he was blessed. Faith isn’t passive, it’s an active pursuit of God’s presence.
III. Trials refine, not destroy, the sons of Jacob.
Jacob’s life was filled with hardships, deception, betrayal, grief. But despite it all, he was not consumed. Why? Because God’s faithfulness never wavered. The same is true for us, trials, they refine us.
IV. Faith and prayer are the marks of God’s children.
Jacob wrestled with God. He fought for the blessing. Faith doesn’t give up when life gets hard. Prayer is not a backup plan, it’s the foundation of a life rooted in God. As Spurgeon put it, “If you are living without prayer, you are living without Christ.”
V. God’s unchanging nature is our anchor.
Everything in life changes, be it, circumstances, emotions, people. But God does not change. If your foundation isn’t in Jesus Christ, everything will feel unstable. But if it is? Nothing can consume you.
1 Prompt
What’s one hardship you’re facing right now? Write it down. Then, instead of asking “Why me?” ask “How is God using this to refine me?”
Quote of the week
“The power of God brings you into the fire, and the same power brings you through it.” – John Flavel