2 Scriptures
- “I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved.” – John 10:9
- “He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.” – 1 John 5:12
5 Lessons
I. Not all faith is created equal.
People say, “I believe in God. Isn’t that enough?” But belief in something doesn’t mean it will hold up when life collapses. If your faith isn’t rooted in Jesus, it’s like a bridge that stops halfway, one step from disaster.
II. Faith without Jesus is an expired passport.
Wilhelm Busch compared faith to a passport. If you show up at the airport with an expired one, it doesn’t matter how confident you are, you’re not getting through. Jesus isn’t just one way to God; He’s the only way. Without Him, faith is invalid.
III. Sin is a burden you don’t have to carry.
Whether you acknowledge it or not, sin weighs you down. It’s a chain that grows heavier with every wrong thought, word, or action. But Jesus breaks that chain: “The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him.” (Isaiah 53:5).
IV. Without Jesus, death is the great unknown.
What happens when everything else is stripped away? If your faith can’t hold up in the face of death, what’s the point? Jesus conquered death, proving that those who trust Him don’t just have hope for eternity, they live differently now.
V. Jesus doesn’t offer a fragile peace.
The world’s version of peace is tied to circumstances, it shatters under pressure. Jesus offers something different. His peace doesn’t depend on success, performance, or control. He says, “Come to me… and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28). The real kind. The kind that lasts.
1 Prompt
Ask yourself, Is my faith built on Jesus, or just the idea of faith? Then decide to pursue Him, read John 14, pray honestly and surrender the areas you’ve kept from Him.
Quote of the week
“You will never know the fullness of Christ until you know the emptiness of everything else.” – Charles Spurgeon