2-5-1: What’s the Point of Your Life?

2 Scriptures

  1. “To all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.” – John 1:12
  2. “What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?” – Mark 8:36

5 Lessons

I. You can have everything and still feel empty.
Wealth. Success. Family. A life that looks perfect on paper. But when you’re alone, and the destructions fade, does it still feel like something’s missing? People chase meaning in achievements, relationships, and influence, only to find that nothing truly satisfies.

II. Purpose isn’t something you create, it’s something you receive.
No amount of effort, self-improvement, or success can manufacture meaning. Your purpose isn’t built by what you do, it’s found in who you belong to. God created you for relationship with Him. That’s not something you achieve, it’s something you accept.

III. We aren’t automatically children of God.
Many assume “We’re all God’s children.” But scripture says otherwise. We are created by God, but sin has separated us from Him. That’s why so many people feel lost, they haven’t stepped into the relationship they were designed for.

IV. Jesus is the only way to real meaning.
Religion, philosophy, and self-help won’t fix the problem. Jesus is the only one who bridges the gap between us and God. He doesn’t just show the way because He is the way. Through Him, you don’t just find purpose, you find peace, identity, and Eternal life.

V. You have a choice, keep searching or receive the answer.
Life isn’t endless. The search for meaning won’t go on forever. Jesus is knocking, waiting, offering Himself as the answer. The only question is: Will you let Him in?

1 Prompt

Write down one thing you’ve been chasing for meaning, this could be career, relationships, success. Then ask yourself, “Has this truly fulfilled me?” If you’re honest, the answer is likely “No”. Stop searching, surrender to Him and if you haven’t already, ask Jesus Christ to be the Saviour and the foundation of your life.

Quote of the week

“Man will begin to be a real man only when he becomes a child of the living God.” – Wilhelm Busch