2-5-1: Don’t Delay the One Step That Breaks the Cycle

2 Scriptures

  1. “Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts.” – Hebrews 3:15
  2. “For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” – Luke 5:32

5 Lessons

What should I do with my life?” A question, you’ve probably asked yourself at least once

I. Stop trusting in yourself.
Most people think they’re “good enough” for God, decent people, no major scandals. The Bible is clear, your best isn’t enough. It’s not your goodness that saves you, it’s God’s Grace.

II. Theological knowledge isn’t surrender.
You can know everything about Jesus, facts, Christian history, even scripture, and still stand on the outside. It’s not enough to be near the truth, you have to cross the line. Fully trust, fully surrender.

III. No peace while holding onto sin.
Here’s the thing, some sins stay because we secretly don’t want to let them go, forgetting that deliberate sin only blocks peace. Repentance isn’t optional, it’s freedom.

IV. Start talking to God….. for real
Not polished prayers. Not repeating religious phrases. Just raw honesty. “Lord, let yourself be found“, that’s how the conversation begins.

V. Let Him speak back
Open the Bible. You don’t need to understand everything at once. You’re not reading to check a box, you’re showing up to meet & hear from Him. Listen to sermons, go to Bible study or fellowship where the word is discussed. Truth has to be heard repeatedly to stay alive.

1 Prompt

What’s the step you’ve been delaying, is it obedience, surrender or letting go of sin? Don’t just reflect, pray about it now. Decide today to cross the line.

Quote of the Week

“Delay not repentance till the eleventh hour; you may die at ten.” – Thomas Watson