2-5-1: The Hidden Value God Sees in Your Struggles

2 Scriptures

  1. “A bruised reed He will not break, and a smoking flax He will not quench.” – Matthew 12:20
  2. “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.” – 2 Corinthians 12:9

5 Lessons

I. God doesn’t throw away the weak.
The world moves fast, cheering the bold, the loud, the strong. God’s eyes settle on the bruised reed, the bent, cracked, overlooked person. He doesn’t snap the weak. He lifts them.

II. Your brokenness is where His work begins.
Before God saves, He breaks. That sounds rather harsh, but brokenness is the soil Grace grows in. When self-reliance is shattered, space opens for God to move. Don’t fear being cracked, it’s where His strength shows up.

III. A flickering light still matters.
Maybe your faith feels dim. The flame’s barely there. Jesus doesn’t snuff out weak faith, He fans it. Even if all you’ve got left is a faint glow, He’s not done with you.

IV. Every role matters when done for His Glory.
You don’t need a platform or a spotlight. If you’re quietly working, serving family, or any task that makes you feel unseen, if it’s done for God, it’s eternal.

V. Weakness is not disqualification.
God isn’t waiting for you to become strong enough. He uses the weak, the overlooked, the tired. Your limitations are where His power becomes obvious.

1 Prompt

Where have you told yourself you’re too weak, too broken, or too small to matter? Bring that to God. Ask Him to use that which you were about to throw away.

Quote of the week

“They that know God will be humble, and they that know themselves cannot be proud.” John Flavel